This Weekend’s Events:
Garrett 8 cinema reopens this weekend! Visit their website for showtimes at
Saturday, September 19
Used Book Sale (Rescheduled) – Mountain Fresh Farmer’s Market, 10 AM to 1 PM. Proceeds benefit Girl Scout Troop 55004. Stock up on your fall and winter reading with a gently used book. Books cost 50¢ to $2.00. For information call 814-418-0878
Garrett County Democratic Club BBQ FUN-raiser — Bottling Plant in Oakland, 3 – 5 PM. Join us to connect with other Democrats, enjoy some delicious BBQ and support Democraftic activities in Garrett County — all while observing mandates and suggestions to stop the spread of COVID-19. Sweitzer’s BBQ will have pre-ordered meals available for ticket holders. You can pick up your meal and take it home or stay around the property to enjoy your food. Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased at
Spring Farmer’s Market – Springs Road, Springs, PA, 8 AM to 1 PM. Held every Saturday from May 25 through September 23, 2020, 8 AM to 1 PM. Featuring fresh produce, antiques, and crafts as well as flea market items. Free admission and parking. Visit for info.
Mountain Fresh Farmers Market – Mountain Fresh Pavilion, downtown Oakland, 10 AM to 1 PM through October. Our old-fashioned market features fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh and dried herbs, baked goods, jams & jellies, fresh eggs, grassfed meats, handmade crafts and more.
Saturday & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 & 20
Weekend Outdoor Art Market — Deep Creek Pottery, 10 AM to 6 PM. Join us for a fun outdoor art market on weekends through the summer. In keeping with the social distancing guidelines we will be offering an outdoor market with pottery for sale, mosaic creations and stepping stones, paint your own pottery kits and mosaic tile kits for sale. Call 301-501-1619 or email for more info. Free admission
MONDAY, September 21
Birds of Prey Wildlife Program – Every Monday in July and August starting July 6th, 10 AM until Noon. Friendsville Town Park – near Stage Area. All Earth Eco Tours is partnering with Adventures with Raptors to offer a Birds of Prey Wildlife program featuring birds of prey. Chief All Earth Eco Tour Guide, Crede Calhoun is studying as an apprentice falconer and will be assisting Master Falconer and Wildlife Educator Deron Meador in presenting a fun learning program about hawks, falcons and owls. You will see the 6-10 live birds and be able to take pictures and approach the birds within 6 feet. Depending on current birds in training some birds may do a flying demo. Program is Free but donations are requested to help support the Aviary. Call 301746-4083 or visit to register.
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