Who has the best pizza? Where do locals love to spend a day off? The answers to these and all your pertinent questions, as determined by the People’s Choice Challenge of e-zine DeepCreekTimes.com, will be revealed within these pages.
Deep Creek Times is owned and administered by Sarah Myers and Mike Tumbarello, who purchased the business from founder Marta Schroyer two years ago. DeepCreekTimes.com has been the place to prepare for your day for over two decades. Here you’ll find out the latest community news, get up-to-date area happenings or even find out the day’s weather forecast.
Both Sarah and Mike have an extensive background in marketing and business. They worked together at Garrett College where they implemented the popular Power of Possibilities program held for aspiring entrepreneurs at Garrett College each spring. They both love the idea of helping small business thrive and succeed and Deep Creek Times gives them both a way to continue to do that.
Mike has worked with small businesses all over the country. Originally from New York by way of Texas, he worked at a number of large corporations as well as Johns Hopkins in Baltimore before coming to Garrett County. He is currently Director of Enrollment Management at Garrett College. Sarah is a Garrett County native, attending school first at Garrett College, then West Virginia University and Mississippi State. In addition to her work at Deep Creek Times, she also has her own marketing firm and photography business, Sarah Myers Marketing. She is also the Communications Director for Garrett County Government.
The two began the People’s Choice Challenge last year as a way to showcase everything the area has to offer. Not only do reader’s vote on their favorites, they nominate them. This year nominations were opened from July 19th through August 2nd. Voting than began in mid-August and continued through September. Anyone could vote online one time per day per device. This year, they had over 15,000 votes online in categories for area services, favorite professionals, experiences and products. There are even categories for people to nominate and vote on their favorite activities in and around Deep Creek Lake. Don’t see your favorite listed? You can always nominate them next year!
“Our goal at DeepCreekTimes.com has always been to help our readers feel as though they are a part of the Deep Creek Lake area, even if they live far away. According to Sarah, DeepCreekTimes.com is a deeper look into the area and for her and Mike, a way to get to be part of everyone’s success. “We get to know the people of the area and showcase the neat things they’re doing,” she adds.
Sarah is the area’s only Google Trusted StreetView Photographer and her many photos grace the pages of DeepCreekTimes.com as well as their Instagram and Facebook pages. Everywhere I drive by in this county, I take photos. We are so fortunate to not only live and work here, but we get to share our beautiful area with others.”
DeepCreekTimes.com is updated daily and has a wealth of information for both locals and visitors alike. From their business directory to movie listings, you’ll find yourself accessing the site again and again. For now, however, read on and learn about the People’s Choice Challenge winners for 2019.