September 2023 Issue
Dear Friends,
Wow! That went fast! Seems like we were just gearing up for the summer season and now a hint of fall is in the air. I, for one, am loving the cooler nights and warm sunny days which gives us plenty of opportunities to enjoy all our area has to offer.
I was blessed with a visit from my daughter, son-in-law, and two beautiful grand-sons (Theo, 2 1/2 and Ollie, 3 months) in August. We had so much fun! As a resident of Garrett County since 1984, I love how many more activities there are available now, especially for families. Our fun week included the Birds of Prey presentation
in Friendsville, Alpaca Acres, an afternoon on the lake (with a special thanks to our very own Captain Rob Leuba), time at Funland, an afternoon at The Honi-Honi, along with visits to some of our favorite area restaurants. “Aunt” Brenda McDonnell even let Theo create his own sundae after our delicious dinner at Ace’s Run.
The fun continues in September with some of our signature events including the 19th Annual Deep Creek Lake Art & Wine Festival. For all upcoming events, check out our calender of events beginning on Page 20. You’ll also find articles on some of the wonderful groups and people that make our area unique, including the Garrett County Coyotes, Unsung Hero Martha Kahl, and so much more!
Whatever your pleasure this fall, enjoy!
Linda Carr, Editor